Wednesday, November 17, 2021

From the desk of PP.Rtn.Stephen Paul - Essential groceries and toiletries donated by Ms Preethi Bhongir, to a needy family.

Today(17/11/21) on behalf of RBE, gave essential groceries and toiletries, to a family as the male member, a covid recovered, is unable to work, due to covid related complications, even after treatment. These items were donated by Ms Preethi Bhongir. RBE wishes to thank her, for her generosity. 

"What could be done and what are we doing" with household construction debris ... and similarly on factory waste

It will be great, if School children could send articles on what  could be done with household construction debris. I am certain, they can think  out of the box and not fear whether it could be executed or not.Engineering students and senior school children can send their opinion on what is that one could do regarding factory waste

Do Post

Images of renovation at home

These images are examples when a household goes through renovation.
Can we use them  at all? Any Idea ?

Thursday, June 6, 2019

Rotractors of Rotary Bangalore East at Maharani Arts Commerce and Management for Women say NO to Noise Pollution

Program was conducted on 25th May in Bangalore and Principal, Professors and Rotractors participated when they sensitized publice and various stake holders with regards to Noise Pollution.A write up from google search is for academic interest. The public received the effort well and appreciated.

Thanks to  
"Noise pollution, also known as environmental noise or sound pollution, is the propagation of noise with harmful impact on the activity of human or animal life. The source of outdoor noise worldwide is mainly caused by machines, transport (especially planes) and propagation systems.[1][2] Poor urban planning may give rise to noise pollution, side-by-side industrial and residential buildings can result in noise pollution in the residential areas. Some of the main sources of noise in residential areas include loud musictransportation noise, lawn care maintenance, nearby construction, explosions, or young people yelling (sports games). Noise pollution associated with household electricity generators is an emerging environmental degradation in many developing nations. The average noise level of 97.60 dB obtained exceeded the WHO value of 50 dB allowed for residential areas.[3] Research suggests that noise pollution is the highest in low-income and racial minority neighborhoods.[4] Documented problems associated with urban environment noise go back as far as ancient Rome.[5]
High noise levels can contribute to cardiovascular effects in humans and an increased incidence of coronary artery disease.[6][7] In animals, noise can increase the risk of death by altering predator or prey detection and avoidance, interfere with reproduction and navigation, and contribute to permanent hearing loss.[8] While the elderly may have cardiac problems due to noise, according to the World Health Organization, children are especially vulnerable to noise, and the effects that noise has on children may be permanent.[9] Noise poses a serious threat to a child’s physical and psychological health, and may negatively interfere with a child's learning and behavior.[10]"

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Why waste unused note book pages?

A quick look at as to how Sustainability could be deployed when one takes a quick glance of  empty pages of  note books at the end of the year left as waste by students in Schools and Colleges. If the empty sheets could be collected and recycled to be bound and used as note books and writing pads, sure one would do their bit towards  the path to Sustainability.

Monday, May 20, 2019

SMEs and SDGs

Strongly feel MSMEs are the pillars and SDGs can only be achieved if SMEs are in sync with the initiatives, well trained, motivated and incentivized. MSMEs worry whether their cost will go up and they become non competitive and their returns go for a toss. The Social, Environmental challenges which threaten have long term impact and need to bring in awareness and MSMEs should prioritize the Goals and choose focused areas out of 17 SDG Goals. MSMEs need tools to continuously monitor their progress in this area and the large Industries should recognize the same and practice, document and review the SDG initiatives. MSMEs participation will be felt in all 17 SDG’s when the entire supply chain follows standards like ISO 20400, ISO 26000 and versions in line with GRI suitable for MSMEs should start emerging with easy to do tools.
With nearly 50 million MSMEs in India including both registered and not registered and in various sectors viz., manufacturing, servicing, IT, food , logistics, pharma etc., subject matter experts with the help of large Industries should start proving inputs which will in fact give the MSMEs short, mid and long term benefits while they create best practices towards achieving their Goals

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Sustainability - Internal, Right away

When I began my journey evangelizing organization’s internal and external ecosystem towards adapting sustainability as a focus, many asked me if they would loose out to those who weren’t practicing sustainability. They argued that organizations, which do not follow sustainability, will have lower costs and hence will have an advantage on pricing. This question, for me, was extremely thought provoking.

Trusting a business is not just about the price. It is a combination of an organization’s intent and top management’s motivation to positively have their sustainability policies in place. Cost and non-Cost criteria initiatives, taken at various points towards sustainability practices, need to be campaigned aggressively towards the entire supply chain ecosystem.

The process involves all departments (including admin, Finance etc.) and vendors – it could be with reference to Green Buildings, Wind & Solar energy, Organic Way, Reduction in paper use, Recycling, anti-child labour policies etc. Most importantly the organization needs to be determined to articulate these as policies.

The larger challenge however is with the small and medium manufacturers and service providers. It is difficult to get them to practice and adapt these processes because we need to first help them overcome their mind-block and worry that these initiatives will increase cost. This requires reassurance and training by large industries. MSMEs should take pride in talking about their initiatives and demanding credit and acknowledgement for their sustainability practices.

ISO standards like ISO 20400:2017 for sustainable procurement guidance and ISO 26000 for Social Responsibility guidance will guide the enterprise well.