Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Primary Schools - Beginning of Sustainability

To all who are involved with Primary Schools :   

Please ensure at every step you inculcate  attitude and values necessary to shape a great sustainable future. Do involve Parents and neighborhood. You are the Architect.

Please read  in full the resource book “ Towards A Green School " (Resource Book on Education for Sustainable Development for Elementary Schools by NCERT). The book encompasses to do assignments and Projects. Sure each student and the community will benefit a lot once this is imbibed in letter and spirit to the students. 

Monday, April 29, 2019

Cities need Trees Badly

Every Tree we directly or indirectly cut in our lives, play Ghost to the Universe. Encourage and Practice Sustainability.
How to plant more trees in Urban areas where every square feet is very expensive and hard to get. Saplings are available and waiting to grow. Please share your ideas which can be implemented in busy cities. Please.